Through my personal and professional experiences, I have found that many of us are in the pursuit of happiness. However, this pursuit can seemingly be a bottomless pit, because when we finally get the “thing” that makes us happy, we start believing there is something else that would make us more happy. Thus, the pursuit
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Author: Gary Chapman Year Published: 2005 Category: Marriage, Couples, Christianity Review: ‘The Marriage You’ve Always Wanted’ looks at the key issues that will help you get just what the title says. It answers real-life questions such as, ‘Why won’t they change? Why do we always fight about tasks and responsibilities? Why should we have to
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Author: Paul David Tripp Year Published: 2014 Category: Parenting Review: Parenting teenagers often times is seen as something to get through or even as an interruption to parents’ lives. Author Paul Tripp offers another viewpoint to the generally dreaded, tumultuous teenage years. Tripp identifies the teenage years as significant opportunities to connect with your teen,
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Authors: Dr. Robert Hemfelt Dr. Frank Minirth Dr. Paul Meier Year Published: 2004 Category: Codependency Review: ‘Love is a Choice’ is a helpful read to understand codependency which all humans are susceptible to, how it develops from family of origin dysfunctions and attachment wounds and how it can be overcome by working through past pains
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